Window Position...?


Is there any way of setting a windows opening position?<br />
'Cause, like, I have a bit of code that will open a window at a specific size:<br />
<br />
<br />
<a href="#"onClick="'apage.htm','','width=400,height=700')">alink</a><br />
<br />
<br />
But when it opens the title bar is about a fifth of the way down the screen...It would be nice if I could have the page filling the whole height (or width) of the screen. There isn't anything like 'ydistance=0' to stick it to the top of the screen or anything, is there?<br />
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Thanks.................<br />
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:eek: Yah<!--content-->Hi Yah,<br />
Here is how you position it where you want it.<br />
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left=0,top=272,screenX=0,screenY=272<br />
<br />
Just use these variables in the same way as you use the width and height etc.<br />
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I think IE uses the "left=" and "top=" variables but some other browsers look at the "screenX=" and "screenX=" variables but I arent certain about that one.<br />
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If you include both it should work either way.<!--content-->Hey, thanks again!<br />
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You have been very helpful......Sorry for the dumb questions everyone!<br />
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:rolleyes: Yah<!--content-->