Window open in a pecific size?


how do i make a window open in a seclected size? cus i got it so u clcik on a thumbnail then it openes a new window to display more pictues but i wnat the new window to open a certain size<!--content-->Try this in the head...<br />
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<script language="JavaScript" type="text/JavaScript"><br />
<!--<br />
function MM_openBrWindow(theURL,winName,features) { //v2.0<br />,winName,features);<br />
}<br />
//--><br />
</script><br />
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And this as the link<br />
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<a href="samepageasyouareon.html" onclick="MM_openBrWindow('newpage.html','WindowName','toolbar=yes,location=yes,status=yes,menubar=yes,scrollb ars=yes,resizable=yes,width=100,height=100')">Link text or whatever<br />
</a><!--content-->Can you do it in HTML?<!--content-->Not to a specific size, no. If you use a transitional or frameset DOCTYPE, you can use the target attribute, but that will not allow you to set the size. Here's how I would open a new window with JavaScript, if needed:<br />
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<a href="" onclick=",'winname', 'width=400, height=300, scrollbars=1'); return false;">open</a><!--content-->pyro willl that script work wil a picture link?<!--content-->Indeed.<!--content-->alright i will try that out i am trying to clean up my website so i will try that a bit later<!--content-->Thanks Pyro, you got all the answers!<!--content-->Nay, but just a few. Glad I had this one, and it helped you out, though. :)<!--content-->pyro u r so good with help, you ahve helped me alot, u got all the awsners, i just got a html book n it is pretty good, i havent sat down n read it but i ahve browsed thru it is seams good<!--content-->Which HTML book did you get?<!--content-->"HTML A Begginers Guide" By Wendy Willard <br />
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it is a good book it is helpfull<br />
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include, html, working with text images multimedia, tables<br />
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Java script, basics<br />
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css, how to write it ect.<br />
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and soem mroe it was 30 bux not bad for a 600 page book<!--content-->how would i set that <br />
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<a href="" onclick=",'winname', 'width=400, height=300, scrollbars=1'); return false;">open</a><br />
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with an image? cus i need it to linkw ith an image<!--content--><a href="yourimage.png" onclick=",'winname', 'width=400, height=300, scrollbars=1'); return false;">open</a><!--content-->Call me dense if you will, but I can't see any part of that bit of code Pyro just gave to contain a URL for the link... isn't that a problem?<!--content--><a href="yourimage.png" onclick=",'winname', 'width=400, height=300, scrollbars=1'); return false;">open</a><!--content--><a href="/pictures/pic1.jpg" onclick=",'winname', 'width=400, height=300, scrollbars=1'); return false;">open</a><br />
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how do i link the picture to go to a new page? cus on my site when u clcik the image it opens up a page say pictures1.html?<!--content-->huh? :confused:<!--content-->That goes back to what I said, you've set the link as the images, instead of using an image as a link.<!--content-->ok on my website <br />
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Link removed by moderator. Please do not post links to sites with such content.<br />
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when u click on one of the pictures it opens a new window displaying more pictures, now i need a code to make it so when u clcik the picture to open a new window it makes it a certain size<!--content-->os there a script like the one i need?<br />
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when u click on one of the pictures it opens a new window displaying more pictures, now i need a code to make it so when u clcik the picture to open a new window it makes it a certain size<!--content-->