Will using a phrase as keyword affect SEO?


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Is it necessary for the keyword to be a single word?
Can we use a phrase as keyword?
Will using a phrase as keyword affect the site? Yes - using a keyphrase will affect seo.

Actually very often it's much easier to rank for a phrase than a single work. And very often it's much easier for you to target the destination page for a phrase. It's more specific and therefore you'll have better knowledge of what the user is actually looking for. Of course you can use key phrase, as a matter of fact, this is the ideal thing to target. Yes, some would say the longer the keyword phrase the better. The searcher who really knows what other words will appear on the page with what s/he seeks is very targeted.

Here's an example. Let's say you sell advertising specialty promotional items.

What is in the mind of the person who types that single word, coffee, into the search bar? I don't have any idea either. But if s/he types coffee mug, now they are a little more likely to want what you have and you'd like your website to show up for that search. Glass coffee mug company logo. This is your target; they're looking for YOU! Better have a web page just for your mugs optimized to come up for that search term.

We call phrases like Glass coffee mug company logo, long tailed search terms. They are less sought after than shorter terms so it's easier to obtain a top position for the term -- and yet more targeted so they can provide very high conversion rates compared to shorter terms.

Hope that helps.