will this memory work with this board?


New Member
was wondering if this RAM (http//www.amazon.co.uk/Memory-667MHz-DDR2-ECCReg-DIMM/dp/B0018CF0L8/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&s=electronics&qid=1219530878&sr=1-3) would work with this board (http//www.cclonline.com/product-info.asp?product_id=15274&category_id=491&manufacturer_id=0)<br />
or if anyone could tell me where i could get a 4GB chip that does?<br />
I need to know please.<br />


New Member
The board you are referring to is a all setup deal, there is no description of what this motherboard can actually hold and how much. So it is hard to tell if you could actually use the memory you are referring to.