Will this get Search Engines to index my content?


New Member
I have a classifieds website...The classifieds are displayed in a dynamic php page.For instance, if one searches for "bmw m3" in the form (which is in index.html) and submits, then a php page will appear showing results.The php page called results.php, connects to mysql databases and fetches the information, and puts them in a table, and then outputs the table using a simple echo command.\[code\] <body> echo $table; </body>\[/code\]The classifieds shown in the table above, are all just "headlines", so when clicking one classified to view all details, then another php page opens called ad.php.Here I fetch the ad_id and then fetch all details from MySql, and show to the users.Now, if somebody doesn't like filling out forms (for example google crawlers, or also users), I have all categories on my site at the bottom of index.html. Users may click these and then the results.php page appears, showing all results in that category.Offcourse I also have a sitemap which consists of all classifieds, and is dynamic.My problem is, so far, none of my classifieds have been indexed.My question is, is a sitemap.xml with all classifieds in it, as well as a link to the results.php page for each category enough for Search Engines to index the classifieds?What else do I need to do?FYI: I use mod rewrite to rewrite urls, so in this case I have a rule which makes the original link to details of a classified:\[code\] www.domain.com/ad.php?ad_id=bmw_m3_249244\[/code\]INTO:\[code\] www.domain.com/ads/bmw_m3_249244\[/code\]And it is the rewritten URL I have in my sitemap.Thanks