Will there be a market for my domain names?


Staff member
Hi everyone!

This is my first foray into domaining. Right now I'm time rich and cash poor. Thus, my focus is a quick turn around. I want to sell any domains I may buy as fast as possible. I am not looking nor expecting to make thousands from each sell. I'd be happy making $30-$40 per domain. I just need assurances that I could move any domain I buy fast.

Most the domains I'm thinking about buying will be newly registered 5 letter, brandable .com's or .com's off expired lists. All most none of these domains will have revenue generation, any link population, type in traffic, or traffic of any sort.

I assumed that my buyers would be other domainers. But now I'm doubtful.

Is there strong a market for 0 traffic and 0 revenue, but highly brandable and generic keyword containing domains?

If the answer is no; then presumably other domainers are the wrong buyers to be targeting. Then I should be targeting the end user who wants to develop the domain into a real site.