Will switching Web Host affect SEO?

my web host, Hostmonter, made some changes, and none of my Contact Forms work now.

If I transfer my Domains to another Host, do you think it will affect my SEO?

BTW, I'm really angry at Hostmonster, I use Coffee Cup Form Builder, and Hostmonster says, I must manually edit the generated PHP File in order for the Form(s) to work. Assuming you are not changing to a host located in a different country, I would not expect you to have an issue.

Moving to a New Web Host (Matt Cutts)
http://www.mattcutts.com/blog/moving-to-a-new-web-host/ Well, i don't think there will be any problem. As the site will be the same. I think it would be much easier to edit a contact form than to switch hosts. Except for the simplest of web sites, every change of host I've ever been involved in has involved some problems and dramas that are quite stressful. If there are issues with editing your contact form, I'm sure members here could help. G has said publicly many times that even changing a URL does not affect SERPS if it is done correctly with a 301 redirect. All link juice passes, as long as you only have 1-2 of them...transferring between multiple sites is going to cause issues.

I'll be switching hosts in about 2 weeks, so I hope all of this turns out to be true for my company! makes me feel all intelligent saying this
watch what you do with moving host as it can effect your seo, though most probably wont be the case it's worth saying.

say have 10 websites which link to each other. if they are with a different host you should be ok, but if you move them all onto the same host google and others will notice this and punish. it's something to check with. i know i used to link my sites together as it made sense to, but never realised i was actually effecting my sites seo rather then improving Moving from one host to another does not affect SEO. Downtime is commonly the major issue you may face when you change your host. changing host will not affect SEO or backlinks..