wiki help please


New Member
Attached is the script.

I have been trying to install vBwiki.Pro.v1.3.RC4 for days, and I am very frustrated because it seems I am getting the location wrong.

The instructions are:

If this is a new installation, find vbWikiPro_Init.php]-dist in upload wiki folder

and rename it to vbWikiPro_Init.php ..........DONE

I have done this, then the next step is where the problem lies.....

you have to edit that file with your path... well I have done 100's of paths and can't get this one right. Everything else appears in the adminCP but when trying to access a wiki page... forget it, I get an error telling me the path is incorrect.

I have removed it, could someone who knows what they are doing reinstall if I provide you with the needed login and ftp and path info?

I actually think I am inserting it into the wrong area in the file. I removed the validator so you don't have to validate.

There is NO read me file that comes with it, it refers to nuhits website for instructions which is down, has been for a long time and I don't think it will ever come back. For information on how to install vbWiki Pro, please go to

I have the read me from an older version, 1.01 here below....

vbWiki Pro Installation
Precautions: Please backup your database and site before installing this extension or following any of the instructions contained in this page and in the rest of this site. Always make your changes first in a test/development setup, and never in a live production environment.

The installation instructions changed with vbWiki Pro version 1.0.1.

Installing vbWiki Pro
Instructions for upgrading existing installations can be found below these steps

Extract the content of the vbWiki Pro package to a directory in your computer.

If this is a new installation, find vbWikiPro_Init.php-dist in forums_upload/vbWiki and rename it to vbWikiPro_Init.php.

Upload the content of the forums_upload directory to your forums directory. (e.g. if your forum is installed on /home/user/www/forums, then resulting path to vbWiki would be /home/user/www/forums/vbWiki)

Upload the content of the wiki_upload directory to your wiki directory. (e.g. if your wiki is installed on /home/user/www/wiki, the content of wiki_upload/skins will go into /home/user/www/wiki/skins)

Open MediaWiki's config file: LocalSettings.php (located in your wiki's directory, e.g. /home/user/www/wiki_, and, at the end of the file, before the ?>, add the following line:

require_once "/absolute/path/to/your/forums/vbWiki/vbWikiPro_Init.php";

Log onto your forums' Admin CP, go to Plugins & Products > Manage Products > Add/Import Product, click browse and locate the Product-NuHit_vbWikiPro.xml file in your computer. Select 'allow override' and click on 'Import'

Further customization
In the Admin CP, go to Usergroups > Usergroups Manager, and configure per-usergroup vbWiki Pro permissions.

Forum Templates and Wiki Skin Integration:

By default by using vbWiki Pro, your wiki pages will be displayed using your forums header and footer (including any banners, backgrounds, navbar, menues, etc). However, if you would like to customize further the look of the wiki pages, follow these steps:

In the Admin CP, go to Styles & Template > Styles Manager

In the style you would like to customize find the template vbWiki_MAIN (used for all wiki pages) and customize it as needed.

There is another template, named vbWiki_THREADLIST, which is used to show the latest threads in a wiki page.
Note that these templates are only used if vbWiki Pro is enabled and vbWikiSkin is used on the wiki side. Refer to this vbWiki FAQ if your wiki does not seem to use the newly installed vbWikiSkin.

Upgrading vbWiki Pro
To upgrade an existing installation of vbWiki Pro follow these steps:

If you are upgrading from a version 0.9.6 or older, please uninstall the vbWiki Pro 'product' from the Product Manager in the fourms' Admin CP.

The rest of the steps to upgrade an existing vbWiki Pro installation are pretty much the same as outlined above with these exceptions:

Do not overwrite your existing vbWikiPro_Init.php.

When installing Product-NuHit_vbWikiPro.xml, select 'Allow overwrite'.

Upgrading an existing vbWiki Pro installation will not reset your vbWiki Pro settings and usergroup mappings.

What to expect
vbWiki Pro successful installation can be verified as follows:
Go to Special:Version in your wiki. vbWiki Pro should be listed as an installed extension.
At the bottom of the pages in the wiki, vbWiki Pro copyright information will be displayed (the copyright information can be removed by purchasing the Branding Free Option).

User login integration:
When a new user tries to register he/she is directed to your forums registration page.
When a user logs in through the forum, he/she will be automatically logged in when visiting a wiki page.
When a user logs in through the wiki, he/she will be automatically logged in when visiting the forums. (The user will be shown also on the forum's "What's Going On" section, even if the user doesn't visit a forum page).
When a user logs out, he/she gets logged out from both the wiki and the forum.

Wiki Skin Integration:
When vbWikiSkin is used all wiki pages will use the forum's look and feel. Which can be customized as indicated above.

Talk Page integration:
If Talk Page redirection was enabled in the Admin CP's vbWiki Pro's settings, clicking on the talk page on the wiki side will forward the user to a thread or forum (configurable through the Admin CP) on your board.

New wiki tags:
The following tags can be used from within a wiki page: vbWiki_Stats and vbWiki_ShowThreads.

How to uninstall vbWiki Pro
To completely uninstall vbWiki Pro follow these steps:

Comment (or remove) the line added during the installation from your wiki's LocalSettings.php.

Disable or uninstall vbWiki Pro Product from within your forums' Admin CP (Plugins & Products). Important: This step must be done before removing any vbWiki Pro files.

Optionally, remove the vbWiki directory from your forums directory.
Remove vbWikiSkin.php and the folder vbwikiskin from your wiki's skins directory.
Remove bitfield_nuhit_vbwikipro.xml from your forum's includes/xml directory.

Remove hooks_nuhit_vbwikipro.xml from your forum's includes/xml directory.

Common Installation Questions
Answers to common questions can be found in this vbWiki FAQ. If you are installing vbWiki Pro with MediaWiki version 1.6.8 there are some small differences in operation which can be found in the vbWiki Pro and MW 1.6.8 page.