wierd scrollbar handling in frames in IE 6.0


I have a weird problem with scrollbars and frames in IE 6.x<br />
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I have a frameset consisiting of 3 frames <br />
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one at the bottom<br />
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and 2 at the top where the right one displays the information<br />
now when the information needs more than one screen IE displays a vertical scrollbar which is fine with me but it also displays a horizontal one which I dont want, and I can't figure out why<br />
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in IE 5.0 opera 7.0 and 6.05 it works as designed<br />
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Ihave been despartley searching for a solution but no one excep me seems to have the same problem.<!--content-->Post a link...I've got IE6 and I'll take a look at it for you...<!--content-->I'm sorry but I can't give you a link snce I'm developing local and I have no webspace<!--content-->Well, you could use a piece of code like this:<br />
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<body style="overflow-x: hidden"><!--content-->i tried that but it still shows the h-scrollbar here's a scrrenshot<br />
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sorry about the bad quality but i needed the file to be small and you can still see the problem<!--content-->I'm guessing you put it on the wrong page... The <body> tag that I provided you with doesn't go on your frameset page, it goes on the page that is the right top (your main content frame). The example that I provided works just fine for me...<!--content-->