Widths do not match


Staff member
I am setting up a div with borders and a footer below it. Both are 768px in width, but the border extends beyond the width of the footer. Could someone tell me why this happens?http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/visudet.html#Computing_widths_and_margins

(In brief: the margin, padding, and border widths/heights are added to the content width/height to determine the total width/height of the element.)After ready that article you should check out this article (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.info.com.ph/~etan/w3pantheon/style/modifiedsbmh.html">http://www.info.com.ph/~etan/w3pantheon ... dsbmh.html</a><!-- m -->) on how to fix the problem. The problem you are having is certain browsers parse the box model differently and thats why your site may break in some browsers. This article will show you how to fix it.