Width of certain elements exceed the explorer window

I've been having trouble to figure out the solution for this problem.First, take a look at this pageThis is built in a responsive design, so when you make the window smaller, everything fits to the window. Except, the tags on the right seem to exceed the size of the window.Also, if you compare the padding of the top nav bar, the amount of padding on the left and right is different when it should remain the same.I'm working on firefox and chrome at the same time to debug this issue. The CSS that governs the top bar is \[code\].fixed_pos { position: fixed; width: 85%;}\[/code\]and padding on the body from application.css\[code\]body { padding-right: 100px; padding-left: 100px; min-height: 100%;}\[/code\]Width is set to 85% because when I set it to 100%, the nav bar exceeds the window size as well (even after I got rid of all the body padding). I want the navbar AND the tags to nicely fit the window instead of exceeding the window width, but I cant seem to get it work.I appreciate any help on this.