Why You Should Never Forget About Web Usability (SEO Related)


New Member
Quote: It goes without saying that some forms of usability are intrinsically linked with good SEO (Alt Tags, custom 404 pages) ?but sometimes we as SEOs forget about how important usability is for keeping users happy. An unhappy visitor is likely to forget all about your site if their first visit is disastrous. With this in mind I have a usability review that I use with clients to help them understand how other people are going to interact with their site. There is no point spending precious time and money on an Internet Marketing campaign to get the traffic if they are going to leave your site dissatisfied. Read more: http://www.searchenginepeople.com/b...forget-about-web-usability.html#ixzz175bbL6MT


Gee someone (yours truly) has been preaching this for years and suddenly this week all the SEOs start fussing about it like it is some new
to web success.

BTW: Adding Accessibility to your site helps your SEO too. Guess they will jump on that old news next.