Why won't Sublime Text 2 allow me to edit or apply styles to HTML?


New Member
For some strange reason, I cannot edit or apply styles to html in Sublime Text 2. I cannot do internal styles or link to external styles. However, if I take code that I have done into Dreamweaver or Notepad++, the styles are applied and editable? How can I get sublime Text 2 to allow me apply and edit styles?I have Windows 7 and I'm new to HTML and CSS. I'm trying to learn different code editors, but it's quite difficult when the editors won't work :( Thanks!ETA: When I mean styles I mean css. I can't view any css styling on my html page on Sublime text 2. Only when I use notepad++ or dreamweaver. I can't see css in a browser when I use sublime text 2.Here's my code:\[code\]<!DOCTYPE html><head><meta charset=utf-8" /><title>Untitled Document</title></head><style> body{ background: orange; }</style><body></body></html>\[/code\]