why won't my drop down menu work?


There's an error somewhere I can't find--> the drop down menu is supposed to follow a link when you select one of the names. If anyone has some time to look at my code i'd appreciate it. <br />
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heres the link (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://multimedia.mmas.unca.edu/~scbuck/ffm/online_store/ffm.html">http://multimedia.mmas.unca.edu/~scbuck ... e/ffm.html</a><!-- m -->)<!--content-->With that markup.... one has to be in advanced stages of masochism to debug it :rolleyes: :D :D <br />
Here is a suggestion - delete what you got, learn HTML and CSS, and then when you understand the concept of separation of content from presentation - start over.<!--content--><offtopic><br />
Damn, Vladdy- that was true- but cold. *shakes head slowly*<br />
</offtopic><!--content-->I wasn't asking for a critique of my code. <br />
Just why my dropdown list isnt working, which if you scrolled down you'll find that that code is easily distinguished from the rest.<br />
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Thanks for the uniquely insulting and unhelpful reply though.<br />
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I'm a beginning multimedia college student, and obviousely I do not know everything. I do know that this is a summer project I needed to kick out quick and based on what they were asking for, the only way i knew how to do it was through imageready. The result- a generated code that while sloppy, got the job done.<!--content-->...try removing the <form> tag that preceeds your "true" form in the page...<!--content-->That did the trick CyCo! Thanks so much.<!--content-->You're quite welcome. :)<!--content-->