hi... can anyone pls tell me why the undefined still appear..??
Warning: Undefined variable: submit in C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\Rose\it\insert.php on line 13
here is some of the source code..
<title>Login to AMS Project</title>
<body bgcolor="DCDCDC" text="black">
<center><font size=+5><b>Welcome To AMS Project</b></font></center>
if ($submit == "click"){
// The submit button was clicked!
// Get the input for fullname and email then store it in the database.
$connection = mysql_connect ("", "", "");
if ($connection == false){
echo mysql_errno().": ".mysql_error()."<BR>";
Warning: Undefined variable: submit in C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\Rose\it\insert.php on line 13
here is some of the source code..
<title>Login to AMS Project</title>
<body bgcolor="DCDCDC" text="black">
<center><font size=+5><b>Welcome To AMS Project</b></font></center>
if ($submit == "click"){
// The submit button was clicked!
// Get the input for fullname and email then store it in the database.
$connection = mysql_connect ("", "", "");
if ($connection == false){
echo mysql_errno().": ".mysql_error()."<BR>";