Why the internal pages are not being cached even when linked well ?


New Member
Hi....Kindly check this url "http://www.propertyratings.in/gurgaon.html" This particular page is well cached but all consecutive pages are not being cached at all , like "http://www.propertyratings.in/gurgaon-2.html or http://www.propertyratings.in/gurgaon-3.html" , This problem is not only with "Gurgaon Properties" but is there with all cities. Can anyone check "view source" and let me know if there is something wrong somewhere , These pages are an year old now and have decent back links.
I would really appreciate if someone can spend some time and have a look at it in detail. Thanks in advance. Have you used the 'nocache' or 'noarchive' directive in any of the meta tags for these other pages. That could be a reason for those pages not being cached. No, I have not used either of them. After taking just a quick peek, I am guessing that you have far too many pages with content that is far too similar to other pages on your site with very little unique content to offer.

As an example, if you check the number of pages that you have indexed in Google, it indicates that there are approximately 398 index pages. However, Google displays only 235 before you see the following message:

Quote: In order to show you the most relevant results, we have omitted some entries very similar to the 235 already displayed. If you like, you can repeat the search with the omitted results