New Member
I don't know whether I should put this question or suggestion here or not. I don't know where to submit any idea related to HTML. Hope it can be helpful for making web better.Actually I have used the ajax calls for input/search boxes to show the suggestions to the user.This method needs the developer to write an ajax call on some event (say onkeyup). After that the ajax request is made to the pointed resourse (a php or some other file). Also there may occur some cross origin issues or it may be hard for the developer to deal with the response of the ajax call (due to different formats like json or xml).So I think there can be an HTML tag specially for this purpose. Using this tag developer can specify the resource URL (just like the action attribute in html forms). Also the response type can also be specified (like json, xml etc) and also the event on which the suggestion box starts working.This will definitely remove some of javascript code from the page, making it smaller in size, which in turn improve loading time of the page.So I am wandering if this idea can be useful in any way?