Why my blog not indexed in Google & yahoo??

hi allWhy my blog indexed in Msn but not Google and Yahoo.I submit in webmaster tools and yahoo site submit all i done. whats the prob i dont know?Can any one help me.. Cheers,How old is your website? How long is it since you started submitting it?Try going to http://www.google.com/addurl to hi penguinThank you for your reply.My blog is 20 days old.I already submitted to googel add url and webmaster tools and some directories also.I think i have a problem with robots.txt.I remove nofollow noindex also. tell me the prob... CheersOn your blog, Do you have search engines turned on. There is an option somewhere and you can choose if you want search engines to crawl your website.be patient my friend...in 2-3 weeks o lot of page will be index.Although sometimes it can take longer than 2-3 weeks in some cases.If your website is not on google after 4 weeks, I suggest you try to add your site to google again.Well.....as your blog is just 20 days older then no need to worry just have patience however google hardly takes around onw week to index a new page but site or blog must have some inbound links so keep on buiding some quality links to your blog and submit your blog url to social bookmarking site then it will be index in couple of days by google but for yahoo it will take lot more time to be indx in yahoo......Hi allThanks for reply.Atlast my blog indexedWell it's basically just the same with or without the www.