Why my blog has not got indexed


New Member
Hi, I have a blog for my website... I created the blog page through wordpress.com. It contains 8 blogs.. Initially three blogs got indexed but all the rest didn't get indexed...what are all the appropriate steps I can take to make my blogs visible to the search engine spiders...

Please help me to get it done Ping your site at pingomatic.com or see backlinks will help to in fact if you other blog are indexed also link them togather. start social book marking with do follow sites and start some link directory submissions with good PR. The way to get any site or blog indexed is having the search engine spider find your site which usually happens when your link is placed on a website which the engines spend time such as high pr article directories, social bookmarking, and high authority related websites. A couple that you can try are http://www.ezinearticles.com Sign up to google webmaster tools and look on there. Its