why my asp summation program doesn't run?


New Member
i want to design a summation program that can calculate arbitrary two numbers in range.but it doesn't run ,i can't find the error ~\[code\]<BODY><p align ="center"></p><form name = "form1" method ="post" action =""><p>enter the range</p>lower limit<input name ="tlow" type= "text" id ="tlow" size ="10">higher limit<input name ="thigh" type ="text" id ="thigh" size ="10"><input type ="submit" name ="submit" value ="http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12052007/sum"</form><%Dim i, sum,low,highsum=0low=request("tlow")high=request("thigh")For i=low To highsum= sum + iNextresponse.write"sum from "& low &"to" & high &"is:"& sum%></BODY\[/code\]