Why is my code formatted weird


This page (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.dukewill.com/go.html">http://www.dukewill.com/go.html</a><!-- m -->) of mine, I was going to update it and I ftp'd it to my computer and opened it in Notepad but it was all squished up, like no line breaks. And there were zeroes or something between lines. Seems this has happened before. Maybe it was saved as a .rtf file and ftp'd? How can I fix this so I can edit it?<!--content-->its adding line breaks with the crlf character, instead of doing ti. simply copy to another program (preferably word) and then copy the word text (crlf char becomes actual crlf) and paste back to notepad, voila :)<!--content-->Originally posted by steelersfan88 <br />
its adding line breaks with the crlf character, instead of doing ti. simply copy to another program (preferably word) and then copy the word text (crlf char becomes actual crlf) and paste back to notepad, voila :) <br />
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Uh, I am not comprehending what you are saying. I assuming you are saying replace something with something else and then resave it but I'm not following you.<!--content-->Cut everything on Notepad to Word (CTRL+X or Shift+Del). Then, unselect everything, and use CTRL+A, CTRL+X (or CTRL+A,Shift+Del). Use CTRL+V (or Shift+Ins) back in Notepad. I was simply describing the case for you :)<!--content-->I see your web server is Apache, which generally means it's running on a Unix-like OS. I suspect your FTP Download <!--more-->ed the page as binary and that will have a single line-feed character as an end of line marker rather than the carriage-return, line-feed pair expected by DOS, hence Notepad. Download <!--more--> your page again but this time make sure your FTP program is using ASCII mode for the Download <!--more-->.<!--content-->that is often I problem, however Download <!--more-->ing js files from the internet often yields the same thing for me, and thats not on an Apache server, or with FTP<!--content-->I think I fixed it by that cut and paste routine. THanks.<!--content-->Grab yourself a better editor than Notepad and it will handle it automatically. SciTE is a very good, very small, very fast, free one. There are many similar ones out there.<!--content-->