its been arount to week sinse i have added my site's made using blogger for crawling in google through web masters is not yet added in google search engine,,, [/b]It will take some time please waitjinstom wrote:Your site will get crawled and indexed faster once you've done link building techniques. just like what coolsko said, gather quality inbound links.You need more links...and likely much more time. It took me about 5 months before I made it to google.coolslko wrote:may be you did something worng but if want to be add by google and have a good position look at these pagehttp://www.beglobal.bizjinstom wrote:As you can imagine google recieves so many website submissions a day. Be patient it can take up to two weeks for a website to be added to there search engine.You need more inbound linx, dude. This may be obvious, but I would seriously recommend contacting some other sites in your niche and being veeeery niiiiiice to the webmasters........unless they are direct competition, ofc, then screw them, lolllll......