Why is ALL my XML being escaped?


New Member
Long time listener, first time caller.Here is what I got going on...Created a PHP webservice, no problem with sending simple data types like string, int...No problem returning string or int.Now I want to return data in XML.So I created a DomDocument and filled in all the data...Then I return it out of the service.On my client side when I go to load the object as an XML document I get an error about my root not being properly formated.I look at my debug and all the "special" characters have been escaped. I did a hack and replaced "<" with > and so on.Then I can load the result.This does not seem right, I should be able to return XML with it properly formatted.So I am guessing it is in how I defined the xml object???Can someone post a sample of PHP defining the return of an xml object?I have looked for days and I cannot find a simple example of selecting data from MySql turning it to XML and then returning the XML to a client.