Why is Alexa an inaccurate way to estimate the traffic to a given website? read its:
http://mashable.com/2007/02/16/alexas-inaccurate-traffic-stats-become-more-detailed/ i think most of the SEO tools not only Alexa doesn't give you an accurate result......for me most of the tools available to count your site's traffic or PR are giving you a partial counts only Because alexa is a spyware - and spyware is never accurate. Thats why it was never a trusted metrics and still is not. It gives you a very rough idea on the activity of the users on the website, not traffic. Because the traffic rank is based on traffic data from only users of Alexa Toolbar and is a combined measure of page views and users (reach). It appears that Alexa may not be deduping repeat visitors from the same country. Alexa is a popular site that keeps track of site access statistics and their rankings.
Page Rank is based on many factors like back links, in links, bounce rate,etc. Only Google knows the exact algorithm for PR. But Alexa Rank is only based on the traffic we are getting. Alexa is using data from users who installed Alexa toolbars. This kind of data is easily to be manipulated. That's why you cannot use Alexa for estimate traffics or website value. It could be used only for a draft illustrate. Alexa toolbar is more popular is Asia. So it gives a biased result. Alexa only uses stats from people with their toolbar OR websites that an Alexa widget on them:
I had a site with an Alexa ranking of around 2,500,000. I put the widget on there, and a week later it was around 1,000,000 - because now it counts ALL the visitors to the site instead of just ones with the toolbar.
Since Alexa ranking is so inaccurate, it should not be an important statistic, yet for some reason it is to a lot of people / companies. For instance, many ad networks will only accept sites with a certain Alexa ranking. So, if you need to get your numbers up, add the widget, and you'll see a big jump in your numbers.
The main reason is because it can only track based on users who have the alexa toolbar installed in their browser. Without those, it would just be an estimate, which is why the stats are always unreliable.
http://mashable.com/2007/02/16/alexas-inaccurate-traffic-stats-become-more-detailed/ i think most of the SEO tools not only Alexa doesn't give you an accurate result......for me most of the tools available to count your site's traffic or PR are giving you a partial counts only Because alexa is a spyware - and spyware is never accurate. Thats why it was never a trusted metrics and still is not. It gives you a very rough idea on the activity of the users on the website, not traffic. Because the traffic rank is based on traffic data from only users of Alexa Toolbar and is a combined measure of page views and users (reach). It appears that Alexa may not be deduping repeat visitors from the same country. Alexa is a popular site that keeps track of site access statistics and their rankings.
Page Rank is based on many factors like back links, in links, bounce rate,etc. Only Google knows the exact algorithm for PR. But Alexa Rank is only based on the traffic we are getting. Alexa is using data from users who installed Alexa toolbars. This kind of data is easily to be manipulated. That's why you cannot use Alexa for estimate traffics or website value. It could be used only for a draft illustrate. Alexa toolbar is more popular is Asia. So it gives a biased result. Alexa only uses stats from people with their toolbar OR websites that an Alexa widget on them:
I had a site with an Alexa ranking of around 2,500,000. I put the widget on there, and a week later it was around 1,000,000 - because now it counts ALL the visitors to the site instead of just ones with the toolbar.
Since Alexa ranking is so inaccurate, it should not be an important statistic, yet for some reason it is to a lot of people / companies. For instance, many ad networks will only accept sites with a certain Alexa ranking. So, if you need to get your numbers up, add the widget, and you'll see a big jump in your numbers.