Why is a conservative Harold Simmons a gutless coward funding American Issues Project?


New Member
This Billionaire scumbag funds the William Ayres / Barack Obama ads ( only thing he can say in that ad is that they were in the same room together one time) to the tune of $3 million. He also funded the swift boat garbage. Yet this cretin won't put his name on the American Issues Project website.<br />
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Do gutless billionaires think they can fool people and stay unnamed? <br />
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Sources http//www.americanissuesproject.org/<br />
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http//www.dallasnews.com/sharedcontent/dws/news/politics/national/stories/082408dnpolobamaad.69811d3.html<br />
BTW, I live in a state where that ad aired during the Olympics. It's not close to Texas.<br />


New Member
It is the conservatives answer the the liberal LIES told by MOVEON.ORG

Thank you Harold Simmons, whoever you are.


New Member
I don't think these attacks on Obama will have anything near the effect they did on Kerry.

With that said, the attacks on Kerry were disgusting. Say what you want about Kerry, but he was a decorated veteran. What the Swift Boaters did was no different than spitting on a returning veteran, and during the middle of a questionable war, while the commander in chief was a draft dodger himself. It's completely unpatriotic, anti-American and disgusting, at every level.

I think Kerry and McCain play to their war experience too much, but you don't lie about what each person did. This goes for the swift boaters and the people who say McCain was a traitor as a POW (not at all ironically, this also came from the Bush camp originally). You don't mud sling against medals justly earned, and given what we know now, they most definitely were earned for both McCain and Kerry.

This Simmons guy was a trust fund baby who managed to not spend it all. He's the lowest form of scum, along with anyone that associates with him, and time will bear that out in a number of ways.
The Annenberg Foundation project papers at the University of Illinois at Chicago will be opened for people to view next week, I think. This will shed light on the nature and extent of the conntection between terrorist Ayers and Obama. Stay tuned.