New Member
in my app, I have a scss file, resulted from a gem, resident in the gem folder out side of my app project folderin works just fine locally, I have the path to images correct, like this: (copied from element inspector at chrome)\[code\]media="all".social-share-button-twitter {display: inline-block;width: 16px;height: 16px;background: url("/assets/sprites/social-share-button.png") 0px -48px no-repeat;}\[/code\]but, when I deploy to heroku, the image-path is not resolved, I get this result:\[code\]media="all".social-share-button-twitter {display: inline-block;width: 16px;height: 16px;background: url(image-path("sprites/social-share-button.png")) 0px -48px no-repeat;}\[/code\]notice the url above, of course it will not point to the png image.here is how its in the scss file:\[code\].social-share-button-baidu { display:inline-block; width: 16px; height: 16px; background: url(image-path('sprites/social-share-button.png')) 0px 0px no-repeat }\[/code\]Any idea why I get the wrong path at the deployed app ?How can I force rails to use another scss file instead of the file at the gem folder ?I tried to set another file in the application.css but, rails keep using the file at the gem folder.Any idea ? why its works fine locally ?