eXigenT * odt
New Member
This was a good read and i'm not in the SEO industry. Please take a look at it before responding.
Quote: SEO has gotten an ugly rep over the years. Some of it deserved, some not so much. Unfortunately, many good SEO's get lumped into the same category as the bad ones. Kinda like lawyers, I suspect.
For years, SEO has been relatively easy to jump into, and "expert" SEO firms have appeared virtually overnight, only to disappear a few months later. The other day I talked with a friend who was hired by an SEO firm to be in charge of opening new branch offices. According to him, this company has an incredibly streamlined and automated SEO "process", that has them growing like gangbusters. Each month they are opening a new office in a new location!
I've been around the block a few times, but this is a first for me. I've not seen any (legitimate) SEO company that is growing so fast they.... Continued at: http://www.searchengineguide.com/stoney-degeyter/why-expectations-factor-into-seo-success.php
Your thoughts on what Stoney wrote? This is so true. Communication is the key to it all. I work approximately 20 hours a week on IM, and in the beginning, I worked a lot more optimizing the site and getting it ready for its debut.
It takes a lot more time to initially set everything up in a website, and the way I am involved, I basically do the entire marketing area on my lonesome,
which keeps me busy, but the first stages of SEO are the most crucial because you're laying down the groundwork to make the site popular. I had a hand in the design process, from the site, to the content, and then I added the final touch with the optimization of the site.
Needless to say that, even though my hours fluctuate a little over the course of a few months, I still have Skype conferences at least once a week with my boss to keep him up to date, and email him daily with ideas and reports.
Its crucial to keep in contact, even if its only to report the increase of impressions the site has made for the day.
Quote: SEO has gotten an ugly rep over the years. Some of it deserved, some not so much. Unfortunately, many good SEO's get lumped into the same category as the bad ones. Kinda like lawyers, I suspect.
For years, SEO has been relatively easy to jump into, and "expert" SEO firms have appeared virtually overnight, only to disappear a few months later. The other day I talked with a friend who was hired by an SEO firm to be in charge of opening new branch offices. According to him, this company has an incredibly streamlined and automated SEO "process", that has them growing like gangbusters. Each month they are opening a new office in a new location!
I've been around the block a few times, but this is a first for me. I've not seen any (legitimate) SEO company that is growing so fast they.... Continued at: http://www.searchengineguide.com/stoney-degeyter/why-expectations-factor-into-seo-success.php
Your thoughts on what Stoney wrote? This is so true. Communication is the key to it all. I work approximately 20 hours a week on IM, and in the beginning, I worked a lot more optimizing the site and getting it ready for its debut.
It takes a lot more time to initially set everything up in a website, and the way I am involved, I basically do the entire marketing area on my lonesome,

Needless to say that, even though my hours fluctuate a little over the course of a few months, I still have Skype conferences at least once a week with my boss to keep him up to date, and email him daily with ideas and reports.
Its crucial to keep in contact, even if its only to report the increase of impressions the site has made for the day.