Why doesn't the FULLTEXT like me?


New Member
First of all - sorry for my English :)

I have a really strange problem:
In mySQL (actual version) I created a table " Create Table test (id tinyint...., a varchar(100), b(text), PRIMARY KEY(id), FULLTEXT(a,b)),
and have insert 3 rows:

hello world | hello me
me | me
hello | world

When I use the syntax as decribed in mySQL "select *,match (a,b) against('me') as x from test" then I get as result all three records with relevance 0.
When I only use the column a or b instead of a,b I get the ugly box "Can't find FULL TEXT matching the column list".

My Fault? I tested it: I took the hard way, created the exact same database as above with the same rows, and I only changed the FULLTEXT from
(a,b) to (a). The Result: He found all rows with relevance ZERO!
I made another test, I created a table with FULLTEXT (a) AND (!!!!!) (b) AND (!!!!!!!!!) (a,b), the result was as nice as I knew it already- he found again all records
with, you know it, no relevance.

OK, then I have no relevance, who cares.
I took the first table (FULLTEXT (a,b)) and made the following statement:
He didnt like it, he wanted me to index first the a-column. Fine, if he doesn't like the a-column alone, then I make the same statement with both
columns. The result was very nice: He found NO record. Not only one.

I took the last table, where FULLTEXT is used on a AND b AND a,b with the same statement - it was unimportant, if I used in the SELECT one column or
both - he found no records!!!!!!!

Do you have an idea why I'm writting all this stuff? Yeah, I ask you, if you know, why the FULLTEXT doesn't like me?
Am I too stupid? Too blond? Is the FULLTEXT on holidays? Or is that simply a bug?

Thanks very much :)