Why doesn't it look right in NS?


Hi again,<br />
One other question. I hope this one isn't too bad.<br />
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My page looks great in IE, but the spacing of the table cells is all off in NS. Could someone give me an idea as to why? I'd greatly appreciate it. <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.dealdivas.com">http://www.dealdivas.com</a><!-- m -->. />
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Thanks again.<br />
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Laura Ruiz<!--content-->Nice looking website. But it completely crashed my N6 browser and initiated the incident reporter. <br />
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Regards,<br />
Kevin<!--content-->Hi Laura,<br />
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Its really very nice looking in ie but not look properly in Netscape. First You check the table width, cell width for the 2nd table. or I think you forgot to close the table tag. just chek that.<br />
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Thanx.<!--content-->OK, second try got me in with N6. It looks like your style sheet might be causing some of the spacing differences. Netscape and IE do not always agree on font sizes and line heights.<br />
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The message scroller is not working for me with my N6 browser (might need a plugin) and the whole page is less wide in Netscape, it all fits into a 800 pixel wide browser window but with IE5 I have to scroll a little bit horizontally to see the entire width of the page. <br />
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It looks good in both browsers to me. The small difference is nothing to really worry about, IMHO.<br />
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Regards,<br />