Why does this only work if ....


I am trying to get a form to work correctly and I want to prove to the programmers that the reason this form doesn't work correctly is because of a coding issue. <br />
Problem: When you hit the enter key in from the input text field the form action is called correctly and we get an error from the code, but if you hit the "I Accept" button it works correctly.<br />
<br />
The funny thing is we found a work around that if you put another input text type field on the page with any value in it then by hitting the enter button it works. Here is the code:<br />
<!-- Action Processing --><br />
<form action="<!--${DE_CGI_DIR}-->/cgi-bin/cgi_chip" method="post"><br />
<input type="hidden" name="DE_WEB_PAGE_ID" value="baltranconf"><br />
<input type="hidden" name="DE_APPL_SRVC_RQST_KEY" value="<!--${F=DE_APPL_SRVC_RQST_KEY W=D V=}-->"><br />
<input type="hidden" name="DE_BAL_TRAN_KEY" value="<!--${F=DE_BAL_TRAN_KEY W=D V=}-->"><br />
<input type="hidden" name="DE_TRAN_AMT" value="<!--${F=DE_TRAN_AMT W=D V=}-->"><br />
<input type="hidden" name="DE_ATV_AVAL_CRD" value="<!--${F=DE_ATV_AVAL_CRD W=D V=}-->"><br />
<!-- Action Processing --><br />
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="565" border=0><br />
<TBODY><br />
<TR><br />
<TD class="cont_pageheader"><!-- BeginEditable "pagetitle" -->Balance Transfer<!-- EndEditable --></TD><br />
</TR> <br />
<TR><br />
<TD WIDTH="565"><!-- Error Processing --><br />
<H4 CLASS="red"><!--${F=DE_ERROR_HEADER S=I--}--></H4><br />
<UL CLASS="red"><!--${Repeat=Line T=R V=}--><!--${F=DE_LI_BEGIN S=I--}--><!--${F=DE_ERROR_ITEM S=I--}--><!--${F=DE_LI_END S=I--}--><br />
</UL></TD><br />
</TR><br />
</TBODY><br />
</table><br />
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="565" border=0><br />
<tbody><br />
<TR><br />
<TD CLASS="text1"><br>Please confirm that the balance transfer information is correct. If all of the information is correct, answer the security question and then choose the <B>I Accept</B> button. You may edit your balance transfer information by choosing the <b>Edit</b> button.</TD><br />
</TR><br />
</TBODY><br />
</TABLE><br />
<!-- NOTE: The input value below is being used to solve a problem with not being able to hit the enter <br />
button in the text field which will activate the "I Accept" button. The DE Value in this input field is <br />
a JUNK DE variable. --><br />
<input name="DE_TRAN_AMTHDHD" type="text" style="visibility: hidden;" size="1" maxlength="0"><br />
<TABLE border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><br />
<TR><br />
<TD width="565 "colspan="3" class="form_header">Review your Transfer</TD><br />
</TR><br />
<TR><br />
<TD class="ledger_data">Transfer Amount:</TD><br />
<TD class="ledger_data">&nbsp;</TD><br />
<TD WIDTH="150" class="ledger_data"> $<!--${F=DE_TRAN_AMT W=D V=}-->&nbsp;</TD><br />
</TR><br />
<TR> <br />
<TD class="ledger_data">Account Number:</TD><br />
<TD class="ledger_data">&nbsp;</TD><br />
<TD class="ledger_data"><!--${F=DE_TRAN_ACCT_NBR W=D V=}-->&nbsp;</TD><br />
</TR><br />
<TR> <br />
<TD class="ledger_data" valign="top">Creditor's Name:</TD><br />
<TD class="ledger_data">&nbsp;</TD><br />
<TD class="ledger_data"><!--${F=DE_ACCT_FI_NM W=D V=}-->&nbsp;<BR></td><br />
</TR><br />
<TR><br />
<TD height="40" valign="top" class="ledger_data">Payment Address:</TD><br />
<TD class="ledger_data">&nbsp;</TD><br />
<TD class="ledger_data"><!--${F=DE_ADDR_LINE1_TX W=D V=}--><BR><!--${F=DE_ADDR_CITY_NM W=D V=}-->, <!--${F=DE_ADDR_STATE W=D V=}--> <!--${F=DE_ADDR_PSTL_CD W=D V=}-->-<!--${F=DE_ADDR_ZIP4_PSTL_CD W=D V=}-->&nbsp;</TD><br />
</TR><br />
<TR><br />
<TD class="ledger_data" valign="top" colspan="3">For security reasons, please enter your Mother's Maiden Name:<br />
<INPUT type="password" name="DE_USER_MTHR_MADN_NM" value="<!--${F=DE_USER_MTHR_MADN_NM W=D V=}-->" size="20" maxlength="20" ><!--${F=DE_ERROR_MARK S=I--}--><br />
</TD><br />
</TR><br />
<TR> <br />
<TD colspan="3" ALIGN="center" class="contentsmall"><BR><br />
<A HREF=http://www.htmlforums.com/archive/index.php/"<!--${DE_CGI_DIR}-->/cgi-bin/cgi_chip?DE_WEB_PAGE_ID=master_home&DE_WEB_COMMAND=Disclosure##BalanceTransfer">Terms & Conditions</a></TD><br />
</TR><br />
<TR> <br />
<TD class="text1" colspan="3"> <br />
<HR CLASS="borderline"></TD><br />
</TR><br />
<TR> <br />
<TD colspan="3"> <br />
<DIV align="center"> <br />
<INPUT type="submit" value="I Accept" name="DE_WEB_COMMAND" class="button"> <INPUT type="submit" value="Edit" name="DE_WEB_COMMAND" class="button"> <INPUT type="submit" value="Cancel" name="DE_WEB_COMMAND" class="button"><br />
</DIV><br />
</TD><br />
</TR><br />
<TR><br />
<TD><IMG src=http://www.htmlforums.com/archive/index.php/"<!--${DE_CGI_DIR}-->/images/spacer.gif" width="120" height="5"></TD><br />
<TD>&nbsp;</TD><br />
<TD><IMG src=http://www.htmlforums.com/archive/index.php/"<!--${DE_CGI_DIR}-->/images/spacer.gif" width="440" height="5"></TD><br />
</TR><br />
</TABLE><br />
<!-- body content --><br />
</FORM><!--content-->well last time I checked you could only have 1 submit button. if you hit the enter key I am not sure which submit iti s using. what is the error you get if you hit enter?<!--content-->Well, <br />
What is does when you hit the enter button it gives a "Service is Unavailable" error from the cgi, that is why I believe it is a coding issue.<br />
<br />
We also have other pages with two submit buttons on it and we don't get this error.<!--content-->well "Service is Unavailable" as in a 500 error?<!--content-->