I'm using maxmind's geoip script in order to call out visitors individual city and state name when they arrive on my website. This is what I have done. I have this in my header:\[code\]<script language="JavaScript" src="http://j.maxmind.com/app/geoip.js"></script>\[/code\]Then, right under my \[code\]<body>\[/code\] tag, I have the following:\[code\]<script language="JavaScript">var country=geoip_country();var region=geoip_region();var city=geoip_city();if(country=="") country="US";if(region=="") region="New York";if(city=="") city="New York";</script>\[/code\]Then, in order to show the visitor's city for example, I put this:\[code\]<script language="JavaScript">document.write(city);</script>\[/code\]However, when I put the directly above on my website, it says undefined wherever the city is supposed to show up. It does this with other javascript I have as well and I'm wondering what I am doing wrong......Thank you for any insights.