Why does NS7.1 display differently on each refresh?


Hi All

Why does Netscape 7.1 display differently on each refresh? also i have another problem where the text in a cell are not showing sometimes along with bottom part of an image in the same cell and each time I click refresh (without changing anything) it will reappear or something else will not be displaying

here are my table properties

table { table-layout: fixed;
overflow: visible;

This is for the main part of the page but not the top part of page

.tablepagelength { width: 100%;

td { position: relative;
table-layout: fixed;
overflow: visible;
font-stretch: normal;
font-size-adjust: .6;

This is for the left column which has a blue background

.tdplenspacer {
table-layout: fixed;
text-align: center;
vertical-align: top;
height: 100%;
background:#30CCFF url(images/Page-length-spacer.gif);
background-repeat: repeat-y;

this is for the cell between the blue column and a thumbnail on the far right of the screen. Usualy I use rowspan=2 for this cell.

.tdnextimg { Padding-left:20px;
vertical-align: top;
table-layout: fixed;
text-align: left;

This is the cell that has the picture and the text underneath. This is also the problem cell as described above.

.tdedimg { width: 190px;
height: 260px;
text-align: center;
font-style: italic;
table-layout: fixed;
padding-bottom:30 px;
word-spacing: normal;

There are more CSS settings but I think these are the only ones causing the problem.

If you can help me out on this one, I would greatly appreciate it.

smercer:confused:You shouldn't need table-layout: fixed in your style declarations for anything but the table tag. Not 100% sure, but Netscape 7.x might support the fixed table layout algorithm, but it might be buggy yet.

More info on the fixed algorithm: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/tables.html#width-layout">http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/tables.html#width-layout</a><!-- m -->

Also, we need to see the HTML and CSS.Thanks for posting such a informative site. I will be changing my code around because of this, so it won't do any good to post the HTML code just yet

thanks againI got the problem fixed. I had set the vertical align to top for ".tdedimg" class and now does not do it. before i think it was middle.

So why does netscape/mozilla not display the same for each refresh?

and does netscape/mozilla support colgroup with background set in CSS? I tried this and IE supports it where netscape/mozilla 7.1 does not work. is there a work around for this?smercer: I keep coming back to this - we need to see your CSS and HTML. If you'd like just ZIP it and attach it to a post.

Otherwise we can't help you.Sorry I did not mean to irritate you or take a long time, but I just wanted to change a few things before posting. eg insert comments for you make it easier for you to read etc.

I got the problem fixed. I had set the vertical align to top for ".tdedimg" class and now does not do it. before i think it was middle.

I will take that back, it is still doing it but not as annoying as before.

in the HTML file I have inserted comments just above the problem cell for you and all you have to do is use the find feature in notepad to find this (using copy and paste):

I have a problem with this cell

which is in comment tags

this is a large project in multiple files (I have only included one HTML file three CSS files for different resolutions, and one javascript file that checks the monitors resolutions in the zip file) and I hoped I helped you out by doing this.

Thanks again for helping, I really apprecitate your helping hand.I think I must have fixed the problem without realising it. Must have been the width and height that I changed.Originally posted by smercer
Sorry I did not mean to irritate you or take a long time.
No. I was the one being impatient. Sorry. But glad to see you got the problem worked out. And besides, it's always more satisfying when you do it yourself right? :)

I know every time I post a problem, three seconds later I solve it.