Why does my site shift like this??


Ok, so I'm trying to be a web designer (HA!). I have thrown this site together.... <br />
<!-- w --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.digitalonyxdesigns.com">www.digitalonyxdesigns.com</a><!-- w --><br />
But, something is really bothering me about it. I used Dreamweaver MX to create it and edit it, but something is not right when I go to the site through my browser. You can see it, go to the home page, then to the FAQ page, then back to the Home page, and so on. At the top of the screen, you can see my graphics shift left and right. I can't figure out why this is? I've looked at both pages and they appear to be exactly the same, but for some reason, the graphics shift. Can anyone find a reason why it is shifting like this? Thanks in advance...<br />
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- Moomancow<!--content-->hi Moomancow...<br />
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i viewed your site.<br />
i didn't notice any shifting at all (800x600)<br />
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i did notice that your "Home" link is targeted to open the"FAQ" page ....<br />
but only when viewed in Netscape.<br />
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it links to the "Home" page when i veiw it in IE5<br />
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that's quite a trick (and no.... i haven't lost my mind. not all of it, anyway... <br />
i still have enough to get by on. lol :rolleyes: )<br />
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don't know what else to say...<br />
i don't see the problem that you are talking about :confused:<br />
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;) k<!--content-->I posted a question to get an answer to my problem, and all I get is another problem!?!?!!? haha, I'm kidding, thank you very much for finding that flaw. I fixed it now....and you are right, in netscape, the header graphic doesnt shift at all...It does exactly what I want it to. But if I still view my same web site in IE (I don't know which version I have of IE), I still see a difference in the placement of my header graphic between my FAQ page and my home page. Oh well, I just wanted to say thanks for finding out that other problem though, I appreciate it!!<!--content-->your website appears to be fine to me!!!!!<!--content-->Looks good in IE5, I'll test it in Opera 7, Mozilla 1.3.1 and 1.4a when I get home. :D<br />
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Havik<!--content-->Thank you Havik....I'm still trying to tweek it though....I can notice now that my divider bars (the ones to the right of the NavBar) shift slightly as I jump from page to page...but I should be able to fix that up.<!--content-->FYI: DOD is the commonly used abbreviation for Department of Defence ...<!--content-->I notice no shift in Opera 7 or Mozilla 1.3.1 (did you get it fixed already?)<br />
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Havik<!--content-->Thanks for checking havik...<br />
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No, I haven't finished it just quite yet...I still see a shift (using IE version 6) in the images that are to the right of my navBar (the vertical and horizontal divider like bars). I can see it when switching from 'Home' to 'Contact Us'. See, the pages 'Home' and 'FAQ' look the same, while all the rest have the divider bars shifted a bit. What I think I'm gonna do is just redo the Home and FAQ pages, using one of the other pages (such as Contact Us page) as a template. <br />
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And ya, I know DOD is that too, but I figured I won't hear anything from them until I make my first million :D <br />
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Thanks again guys<br />
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- Moomancow<!--content-->It's all done! Thanks guys, for all your help.<br />
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