Why does it return undefined? (Jquery xml parsing issue)


New Member
I tried to populate a two dimensoinal array through parsing xml, but my function doesn't store the first items for some unknown reason. (So it stores [0][1] and [1][1] properly, but it does not store [0][0] and [0][1]);The idea behind the array structure is: \[code\]first word- > first choice ->[0][0]; first word -> second choice ->[0][1]; second word -> first choice ->[1][0];... you can guess\[/code\]It alerts everytime (just to check that counters are correct.)The XML:\[code\]<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <Page> <Word id = "0"> <Choice id = "0"> <text>First word - 1. choice</text> </Choice> <Choice id = "1"> <text>First word - 2. choice</text> </Choice> </Word> <Word id= "1"> <Choices> <Choice id = "0"> <text>Second word - First choice</text> </Choice> <Choice id= "1"> <text>Second word - Second Choice</text> </Choice> </Choices> </Word></Page>\[/code\]The function:\[code\]$(document).ready(function(){ $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: "xml.xml", dataType: "xml", success: parseXml2 });});function parseXml2(xml) {var myArray = [];var a = 0;$(xml).find("Word").each(function() { var i = $(this).attr("id"); a = 0; $(this).find("Choice").each(function() { alert('I:' + i + 'A:' + a); alert('Id:' + $(this).attr("id") + $(this).text()); myArray = []; var text = $(this).text(); myArray[a] = text; a++; });});alert(myArray[0][0]);}parseXml2(xml);?\[/code\]The code can also be found here.