Why does everything 'link' on one line?


Hi All,<br />
This is so frustrating, but I have to get help before all my hair falls out. So the question is- I am using an image as a link, next to the image is a spacer, then I want some words, all this on one line. But having added the link to the image on the line, everything on that line is now a link. I DONT WANT THIS. I just want my first image to be a 'lovely little link' BY ITS SELF.<br />
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I know someone in the world will come to my assistance, so I'll thank you now for your time and answers.<br />
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Dean.<!--content-->Then the </a> is not on the good place, or is missing.<br />
URL?<!--content-->change it from this:<br />
<br />
<a href=http://www.htmlforums.com/archive/index.php/"gothere.htm"><img src="whatever.gif>Click here to go there!</a><br />
<br />
to:<br />
<a href=http://www.htmlforums.com/archive/index.php/"gothere.htm"><img src="whatever.gif></a>Click here to go there!<!--content-->Any text between the <a and </a> will be shown as a link.<br />
<br />
Any text you want shown as text should precede or follow the link tags.<br />
<br />
<br />
Example:<br />
<br />
Click this image to go there. <a HREF=http://www.htmlforums.com/archive/index.php/"http://LInk_info"><img src Filename></a><!--content-->