why do people make fun of Palin? why do people say this about John McCain?


New Member
She doesn't believe that humans cost the global warming. a lot of scientist don't have a cosenus of what causes global warming. why do people say that John McCain plan would take 15 years to see go through. So would Obama renewable energy plan. People also say that McCain doesn't believe in renewable energy. that's not true. he believes in Nuclear energy which is a Clean energy source. <br />
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http//www.kusi.com/home/11131801.html<br />
She never said that dinasours and humans walked together. that's a rumor. a rumor like Barry slept with Larry.<br />


New Member
Good point, but the ironic part is that McCain used Palin to deliver his you can't trust Obama message,
yet SHE was the one found guilty of violating the public trust in her Troopergate scandal (by a BIPARTISAN committee)
(not to mention all her other investigations, problems and abuses)

She is a bad person, who cannot be trusted to be President of the United States of America (and there is a 1 in 6 chance of that happening if McCain got elected).
McCain exercised poor judgement for not checking up on her first.

I am ANOTHER of MANY registered Republicans who will be switching parties because the GOP have let me and the country down so badly, and voting for Obama/Biden because they are so far superior to Ailin/McCain.


New Member
McCain has jumped on the global warming bandwagon. That's one area where democrats should actually be happy.


New Member
just political gamesmanship.politics is a very dirty business practiced by the untrustworthy for the benefit of the gullible.
You've got to be kidding me

Global Warming is real, and it absolutely makes sense that humans contributed to it

I think that term warming is misleading though

For the past couple of years,I've noticed strange weather patterns

In my area,it gets cold earlier every year,but when it is summer,it gets hotter

The winters are getting colder, and the summers are getting warmer

I can't believe Republicans

They're all about personal responsibility,but they can't accept that we as a civilization have destroyed this planet

I don't want a president or VP who will not try to solve this crisis because he/she thinks that it's just the end of the days (Rapture).It's is such bullshit

By the way,why do people continue to say that Obama will raise taxes on the middle class? His plan says that he will cut taxes.Whether or not he would do that as president is something that we don't know,but that is his plan as of now

McCain and Palin have been lying about it for months now. They're not speaking to the rich people.They are talking to the middle and working class
Sarah Palin is an ignorant religious extremist with an Anti-American husband who wants their home state to secede from the union.

John McCain does believe in clean energy sources but he is high on oil fumes right now... as always, big oil will always mean big bucks for the GOP.

Obama's renewable energy plan would take 10 years, not 15. Remember... it's our whole damn country we want to make independant, not one or two little plants here and there.
I have seen this all day...lies and more lies..it is sad when people have to lie and cheat to get a man elected president......these people have actually demoralized themselves....I am glad I am voting for an honest candidiate.I did not have to stoop to a low level to help my candidate, when he wins it will be because he has been fair and honest with his campaign.


New Member
She does not believe humans CAUSED global warming, ok whaterver. But she does think that mankind and dinosaurs walked the earth together. My 5 year old knows better than that.

Nuclear energy is not clean! Ever hear of nuclear waste? If you think it is so clean why don't we store all of it at you house? LOL, learn to think!


New Member
Palin is an idiot that does not belong in and political office. She is a political puppet and she cannot think for herself. McSame was a fool for picking her thinking she would get the Hillary vote. What an Old Idiot


New Member
I agree with her. It's a fact that the Earth does go through global warming/cooling without anyone doing anything to cause it. I do think that we should try to stop pollution, but I don't think we cause so much of it. Also, nobody gave a care about global warming until Gore came out with the 'inconvenient truth.'
The press is always attacking Palin and criticizing every word she says, but they say nothing about Biden and his fat mouth, do they? He said that Roosevelt got on TV when the stock market crashed but 1.) there was no TV and 2.) Roosevelt was NOT president back then. The press didn't do anything about him! I have great respect for Mrs. Palin and when the press does that to her, it ticks me off. And the comment Oprah made about her not ever having Palin on her show, that was out of line. She needs to keeps stupid comments like that to herself. Who would want to watch her lame show anyways?
People need to research some of the things they say. McCain DOES want renewable energy to clean the air. Anyways, McCain would be a great president because he has been to war. Obama hasn't. Plus, McCain was a POW and he knows what it's like in war.
McCain-Palin 2008!!


New Member
If u take a decent Geology course u will find out dat global warming does not exist. Rather what is happening is da Earth is preparing for cooling which will cost much more damage. Especially for us humans because even though we are warm blooded we can only take a certain capacity.


New Member
1) All scientists who are not paid by ther corporate employers world-wide believe that ghe global warming phenomenon is a natural event that the activities of man have accellerated to a great degree.

2) You are obviously too young to remember The Quayle Quarterly, published to bring the foibles of George Herbert Walker Bush's vice president to the attention of the american public.

3) If you had your nuclear clearance card and worked at those nuclear reactors, you would know that even thought hey produce no CO2, they are not clean. I pick up at least 6 mrem of exposure a month, An I am certain that others pick up way more than I do. Wind power is not the total answer but it is cleaner and cheaper than nuclear.