Why can't I INSERT INTO?


New Member
So this might be dumb, but I can't get anything to insert into a MySQL on a certain account, and I've been staring at this for two hours. I'm a newbie to PHP, so I could very well be doing something dumb. I attached a screen shot of the DB I am trying to INSERT INTO.Find an image of what I'm talking about at http://dillondoyle.com/files/dbsetup.jpg (imgur seems to be down for me)Here's the code I have, and PhpMyAdmin told me GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON . TO ...\[code\]$fbFirstName = $me['first_name'];$fbLastName = $me['last_name'];$fbEmail = $me['email'];mysql_real_escape_string($fbFirstName,$fbLastName,$fbEmail);$getuserresult = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM newusers WHERE fbUID=$uid");$userrowsreturned=mysql_num_rows($getuserresult);if ($userrowsreturned=0) { echo '<br />user already exists, will update something here eventually<br />'; }else { $sql = mysql_query("INSERT INTO newusers (fbUID,callsAttempted,callsMade,fbEmail,fbFirstName,fbLastName) VALUES ($uid,'1','0',$fbEmail,$fbFirstName,$fbLastName)"); if(!$sql) { die("Nope"); } else { echo "1 record added"; } echo '<br />created user<br />';}\[/code\]