Why can't I get rid of this  ?


New Member
Each line is a string\[code\]? 4 ? minutes ? 12? minutes? 16? minutes\[/code\]I was able to remove the \[code\]?\[/code\] successfully using \[code\]str_replace\[/code\] but not the HTML entity. I found this question: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/657643/how-to-remove-html-special-chars-in-phpBut the preg_replace did not do the job. How can I remove the HTML entity and that A?Edit:I think I should have said this earlier: I am using \[code\]DOMDocument::loadHTML()\[/code\] and \[code\]DOMXpath\[/code\].Edit:Since this seems like an encoding issue, I should say that this is actually all separate strings.