why can't I bind this xml to the DataGrid?


New Member
I request some XML with an http-service that looks like this: \[code\]<s:HTTPService id="flickrCall" url="{api_request}" resultFormat="e4x" result="Alert.show('Succes');" fault="Alert.show('fuck');"/><rsp stat="ok"> <photos page="1" pages="46" perpage="100" total="4501"> <photo id="7583616364" owner="92677738@N00" secret="17ce853221" server="8421" farm="9" title="Jack White iii" ispublic="1" isfriend="0" isfamily="0"/> <photo id="7515807120" owner="47494725@N07" secret="66fcf2cfd5" server="7137" farm="8" title=".- / -.. ..- -.. . / .- - / .- .--. .--. .-.. . -... . . ..." ispublic="1" isfriend="0" isfamily="0"/> <photo id="7465794324" owner="73420073@N07" secret="dd42ea30f0" server="7254" farm="8" title="Project 366 175: June 24th" ispublic="1" isfriend="0" isfamily="0"/> ... </photos></rsp>\[/code\]I try to bind it to a datagrid like this:\[code\] <s:DataGrid id="flickrFotoCollection" width="100%" dataProvider="{flickrCall.lastResult.photo}"> <s:columns> <s:ArrayList> <s:GridColumn dataField="@id"/> <s:GridColumn dataField="@title"/> <s:GridColumn dataField="@owner"/> </s:ArrayList> </s:columns></s:DataGrid>\[/code\]But nothing shows, even though the request has been succesfully made.