New Member
Hi,<BR><BR>I want the 4GuysFromRolla gurus to answer the following problem.<BR><BR>I'm a pretty crappy programmer. I'm basically a hack. No formal compu sci training, but I can read so I taught myself how to build web applications using ASP and (re)built a site that currently pays all my bills. ( for the curious and it's expanding - my first career).<BR><BR>I am too old and busy and stupid to learn C++, C# or Java or anything else. And it would cost a fortune to have somebody else rebuild the site in ASP.NET, besides being a bad business decision. It's simply too much work to replace something that functions quite well. VBScript was created for folks like me.<BR><BR>Web caching? My site is large, but it's still on a shared server and I don't have access problems. Besides, I hacked a cache out of application variables.<BR><BR>Dates? Calendar? Session issues? I've used all the tricks around for ASP and VBScript and guess what - they all work so I don't need any more functions. I use my own session routines and ever since I moved to SQL server from Access the site performance has been effectively 100% uptime.<BR><BR>So ASP.NET is a problem because one day support for plain vanilla ASP may dissappear. I'd rather move to PHP than ASP.NET because ASP.NET looks too friggin complicated.<BR><BR>So here's my question:<BR>Can I move my entire site to ASP.NET and not change any code? <BR>Co-question:<BR>Why should I move my entire site to ASP.NET at all?---Begin Quote---<BR>Can I move my entire site to ASP.NET and not change any code? <BR>---End Quote---<BR><BR>The answer to this question is No. <BR><BR>Even is Microsoft comes up with some kind of conversion tool then I wouldn't even use it. There is just no such thing as a miracle pill or even a miracle conversion application. That being said, you *will* have to change some code.<BR><BR>I don't know how your web site/application is created but did you use structure, encapsulation and COM objects? If so then it might be easier then you think. If it's spaghetti code then you'll need more then a miracle...hard work! Isn't that fun <BR>If you already have OOP skills then it even be easier.<BR><BR><BR>---Begin Quote---<BR>Why should I move my entire site to ASP.NET at all?<BR>---End Quote---<BR><BR>No offence but by the time "supports for plain vanilla ASP dissappear" you might be long gone. ASP will still be supported for at least the next 10 years. The only reason I can see why it wouldn't be supported is if people can *prove* that building a .NET web site/application outweighs building one in classic ASP. For starters ASP.NET is compiled not interpreted so right there you can easily profite from an 80% performance and you seemed concerned and proud of how you managed to increase performance on your site, so there's another argument for you <BR><BR>You've clearly mentionned that "I'd rather move to PHP than ASP.NET because ASP.NET looks too friggin complicated." so why bother, i mean if you feel comfortable with PHP then I hope for you that PHP will be supported in 10 years from now. One thing I can guarantee you is that Microsoft will.<BR><BR>So why should you move?<BR>I think you asking the wrong question...more like why souldn't you move?<BR><BR>Again my friend, "I am too old and busy and stupid to learn C++, C# or Java or anything else" so why so concerned ?<BR><BR>Sincerely<BR>VlinceOK,<BR><BR>Good points. I'm no longer concerned. My biggest concern was that all this emphasis on ASP.NET would lead classic ASP to not be supported, but that's clearly not the case.<BR><BR>*** BEGIN QUOTE ***<BR>---Begin Quote---<BR>Can I move my entire site to ASP.NET and not change any code? <BR>---End Quote---<BR><BR>The answer to this question is No. <BR><BR>Even is Microsoft comes up with some kind of conversion tool then I wouldn't even use it. There is just no such thing as a miracle pill or even a miracle conversion application. That being said, you *will* have to change some code.<BR>*** END QUOTE ***<BR><BR>Of course, altering an ASP application to work in ASP.NET isn't very hard. You can probably do it in 5 minutes. See:<BR>