Why are we going backwards in technology?


Staff member
I've been studying XML/schema/SOAP/SAX2 for about 6 months now... I have somequestions for anyone who cares:Since we all know that you cannot parse a very large file using DOM, youare forced to use SAX... But, then you have to use a query to get to ONLYthe information you want. Then you have to sequentially get to that informationbecause there is no "Primary Key" or Indexes that might be built prior tothe execution of the query.My need is this: Get to the Data, Fast, using a Standard query language(Like SQL), that doesn't have to sequentially go through the data, that usesindexes for speed, that has a standard for defining heirarchy, types, andrules.I understand that standard database systems are not easily accessed throughthe 'net, but holy moly. The funny thing about standards is that there areso many of them.To me, this is Jurrassic Park Syndrome. We spend so much time trying tofigure out if we CAN do something without spending the time to think aboutwhether we should have.To me, Everyone is using the Buzz word XML. But in real-world situationsI have come across, there is not enough support, speed, or interoperabilityto provide a solid solution to Database access without having to be analretentive about methods, drivers, memory limitations, and conversion issues.Maybe I'm crazy, or just ill-informed. You be the judge.