Why are some websites listed like this on Google?


New Member
It's hard to explain so here's an example: go to google, type in the search string "Startech". The top result that Google returns is the StarTech website. My question is this - why does Google add the links underneath the description and URL (examples: Downloads | USB & Firewire | Cables) for this search term?When I type in my company name (http://www.aquatell.com) into google I show up at the top but there aren't any of the cool links underneath. How do I get these links?Thanks.probably an adwords advertisorI'm an adwords advertisor and I don't have those links.I think they end up there due to the popularity of the site above anything else.thats the same if you type " Firefox " you get the same thing UVBoy, you need a LOT of relevant links mate.LozThat just show how Google treat trusted sites with good content and good structure and they make google spider crawl easily. I guess they earn it.I think, basic reason is the website popularity and high amount of visitors from Google. So, google has made easy for visitors to navigate the website from its search itself.UVBoy wrote:Quote:But this is basically for big sites and sites having a big linking structure.Might be the site is very old and popular among search engine result pages and getting good traffic on it. So, Google show it in preference.One of our competitors has a very similar sized site and layout to us and they have sitelinks on Google, so I have tweaked some of our site and made sure all links have good descriptions in the alt codes as well as some other things to see if that will help us to also have this happen. Both our sites have a PR5 so it will be interesting to see if it happens or not.I believe this is part of Google's solution to their "host crowding" problem.Google's "host crowding" is where they list several pages indented underthe main page. Usually, there is just one indented, but for some rarequeries webmasters were reporting many pages indented below the mainpage.If you Google for "matt cutts host crowding", you can read more about it.(or I could be wrong, lol)Bompa