Why are children often blamed for the problems their parents cause.?

Many parents create problems for their children and then blame their children for it ..<br />
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For example if you allow you re kids to be lazy and have no responsibility why should you blame them as teens when they don't want to get a job ..<br />
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There are many examples of this ...<br />
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No parent is perfect and neither is any child but i would like to see more parents take responsibility for the problems they construct rather than shifting all of the blame on the child ..<br />
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A brief but inoculate example is, my nephew was sat in front of a television from the time he was able to sit up, every day day in and day out ..he grew up being immersed in television, videos ect ... this led to video games which led his parents to be irate .. because he would rather watch tv and play games rather than do chores ect ...<br />
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Who taught him this ? He didn't teach himself ..
your nephew is just a sad microcosm of what is happening throughout society.
in a society that is getting sicker, it is more common for us to blame others instead of accepting our own responsibility in the matter. most times we cannot see the log that is in our own eye but yet want to take the splinter out of our brothers'.
I thought parents were blamed for their children's behavior. I hear it all the time-look at that sweet obedient boy sitting in church answering all those questions about Jesus. He must have great parents who teach him about God. And then-look at that wild boy running around and shouting-his parents must not teach him how to be reverent or about God. My best friend's little boy has so much energy all the time, and it's so hard for him to sit still and just listen. But she teaches him about God and they pray together and she and her husband are great parents. Each child is different.

As for your nephew, yeah, no surprise that after being put in front of the TV his whole childhood, now he wants to sit in front of the TV through his teen years. Shocker. Sad though.