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Site Stats:URL: http://www.eWebDevelopment.netKeyword Ranking for:New Jersey Web DesignWebmaster Forum(Only listed our top keywords)Link Popularity:ALLTHEWEB: 18800ALTAVISTA: 51500GOOGLE: 830MSN: 1167TEOMA: 639YAHOO: 18900TOTAL: 91836Site Age: 13 MonthsOther Info:* Rank #1 for our keywords on all other search engines besides Google. * Rank #1 for allinachor:, allintext:, allintitle: for all keywords on Google.Why are we not ranking?? This is getting rediculous. Comments, Suggestions, etc. would be appreciated. Thanks in advance!!Best Regards,BBottthe simple answer is, give it time. I know that is gonna sound like a real cliche but the amount of sites I have seen go from nowhere to top ten with age is unbeliveable.The most renound thing I have noticed about google is that it loves sites with age.Quote:as for crawlers. They love websites that is always updated with additional content.oh yeah, kick ass when you are up there.