Whats really annoying is the whois database and how insecure it really is... imagine registering for a domain name... searching for it... and when you click the search button a bot goes through and checks the domains stats and keyword results, using a level of dissemination for the analysis of the specific domain that you're planning on catching... and wait!!!!!
Your domain shows high/accelerated value potential. oops! Its snagged by a bot and registered... but, wait! What just happened. The domain has been registered for 5 or even 10 years consecutively? hmm...
This is a really annoying hack that is starting... well, has been $c4mm4g3 for some time... I know its a way to cover bases for niche developers looking to sell domains with drivethru traffic. However, its just something I think isn't an honorable blackhat endeavour.
Your domain shows high/accelerated value potential. oops! Its snagged by a bot and registered... but, wait! What just happened. The domain has been registered for 5 or even 10 years consecutively? hmm...
This is a really annoying hack that is starting... well, has been $c4mm4g3 for some time... I know its a way to cover bases for niche developers looking to sell domains with drivethru traffic. However, its just something I think isn't an honorable blackhat endeavour.