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I'm an admin for an Intranet site on an NT network. I used to run the site off PWS and Windows 98. Now I want to convert to WinXP and IIS. I had not used any COM components and was doing everything with ASP (which I know is bad design and I want to correct it when we switch). Here's the thing: those ASP pages cannot access some of the shared folders on the network (which is where our databases are). The problem seems to be that a local machine account (IISUser or something like that, I forget) is what's trying to access the network, and since it's unknown to the network domain, it can't even see the folder.<BR><BR>So, I was told to do a COM component. And it seemed to work, (though I was getting strange out of memory errors). So I assume that if you compile something to a .DLL, the .DLL process is using the access settings of the account logged into the machine.<BR><BR>Now that .NET is out, I think I'm going to do the site that way and want to make sure that .NET .DLLs are going to be able to get out to the network. Hopefully I've made some kind of sense and someone will be able to help! This seems like an important question and I've never seen anyone ask it. Maybe in most setups it isn't a problem.<BR><BR>Lerch<BR><BR>P.S. - My thought for the .NET .DLL is to make a very generic one that when passed a connection and recordset byref (plus the sql and connect strings) would fill them.