White flash when loading black frames


Hi there.<br />
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I have a problem, I have developed a black-background website but, when loading pages (or frames) I get a white backgrond until page is loaded.<br />
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Is it possible to avoid this? It is so frustrating since it took me so long to develope it and this "white flashes" are so disgusting.<br />
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This is the URL so you can see what I'm talking about.<br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://gabrielagrech.auna.com">http://gabrielagrech.auna.com</a><!-- m --> <br />
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I hope you can help me.<br />
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Cheers, Juanjo.<!--content-->You can't - browser default is usually white. You could redesign your site with a lighter background (annoying, I know), or perhaps try optimising your HTML to improve loading speed.<br />
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A possible hack would be to load text via an external Javascript, loading the basic page tags very quickly, but it would make your pages unusable to people with Javascript disabled - about 10% of net users and possibly illegal under US law.<br />
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Adam<!--content-->You could use JavaScript and the document.bgColor property to "fade in" the dark background color from white over time. Just be sure that your text is readable against white. You might have to set the text color to black and then use JavaScript to overwrite that.<!--content-->So, you think it is impossible to avoid this, unless I find a trick or something?<!--content-->Hi Juanjo....<br />
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i don't think that any "tricks" are required.<br />
maybe it's the way you wrote your pages (are they really heavy or something?).<br />
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here is an example of a non-white-flashing black-frames set-up (with added images to provide a little weight/load time)<br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.1dot0.com/khaki/frame1.htm">http://www.1dot0.com/khaki/frame1.htm</a><!-- m --><br />
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i don't see any "flash" in this (primitive) example.<br />
let me know if you do.<br />
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;) k<!--content-->khaki, that example is not really relevant because your pages are only about 350 bytes - sure, the images increase overall load time, but they do not have to be loaded for the background to show. Juanjo's pages are several times larger than a few hundred bytes!<br />
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Does <body bgcolor="#000000"> help? Surely that will only be rendered if frames are disabled?<br />
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Adam<!--content-->I don't see any "white-flashes" in the khaki Monty-python example ;)<br />
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As Adam said khaki pages are so small and image size is not relevant to have the background displayed.<br />
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I have the <body bgcolor="#000000"> tag in every BODY and FRAME tag wiht no succes :(<br />
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Juanjo<!--content-->Juanjo's pages are several times larger than a few hundred bytes! that is correct.<br />
y'know why?<br />
the entire page is built using images (even the text).<br />
it's a Fireworks-generated slice-job.<br />
nothing but image-created BLOAT.<br />
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that's the reason for the page sizes.<br />
it's not the "photgraphic" images that are slowing the load-time...<br />
the entire page is nothing BUT images.<br />
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I wrote:<br />
maybe it's the way you wrote your pages (are they really heavy or something?). so...<br />
y'see...<br />
i was right (i didn't know that i was right until i just looked now)<br />
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Fireworks pages are hogs.<br />
they are notorious for slow scatter-loading.<br />
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the only way to eliminate the "flash" is to re-write the page in a "conventional" manner.<br />
this manner is Firework's version of WYSIWGY (and another victory for hard-coders!!!! YAYY!!!)<br />
Does <body bgcolor="#000000"> help? Surely that will only be rendered if frames are disabled? umm.. yeah... just ignore that. <br />
i used the same page template for all of the pages (frameset was plunked on top at the end).<br />
don't read anything into that. <br />
it wasn't intended as any type of solution.<br />
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love Fireworks.... hate the Slices...<br />
;) k<!--content-->