White being displayed when changing page inside frame


on my sisters website:<br />
<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.jacksonfever.com/">http://www.jacksonfever.com/</a><!-- m --><br />
<br />
click the different pages, the background goes white, before the background image loads. Any idea how to prevent this? she changed the bgcolor color to almost black and it hasn't made a difference. Does it with Mozilla, Opera and IE. <br />
<br />
Any ideas<!--content-->add this to your body styles:<br />
<br />
background-color: black; (or whatever color)<br />
<br />
For the amount of pages she has she should create an external style sheet, so she doesn't have to adjust every single page all the time.<br />
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Gandalf<br />
:D<!--content-->Hi there Uranium-235,<br />
<br />
The cause of your problem is <br />
a slight error in the javascript<br />
in the 'mainpage.htm. This line...<br />
<br />
return theMonth + " " + oneDate.getDate() + ", " + theYear +<br />
<br />
needs to have the+ removed<br />
<br />
and then the iframe will load perfectly :D<br />
<br />
c:D:Dthead<!--content-->Stands amazed at everyone's plethera of knowledge...<br />
<br />
<br />
Gandalf<br />
:D<!--content-->Hi there Uranium-235,<br />
<br />
I see that you have rectified the code in your mainpage,<br />
but you have left the same 'javasript error' in the other pages :rolleyes: <br />
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