Does somebody know why PWS stops processing a script while the time is not exceeded.
E.g. On page1.asp i set some variabels
On page2.asp i use a (lot of) script depending on these variabels and settings in my Access2000 database to show some data.
When i set page1.asp that page2.asp has 'little' work page2.asp is showed after a few seconds.
When i set page1.asp that gives page2.asp more work (eg 100% more) page2.asp gives the message that the time in var 'Server.ScriptTimeOut' has been reached. The message comes after 90 seconds (default serversetting), but when i look at my cpu-usage it seems to be working for only 10 secs (for 100%). After the 10 secs the cpu goes back to idle at 1-3%.
I hope i'm making some sense here...
So; Why is my servers cpu so lazy...
Does somebody know why PWS stops processing a script while the time is not exceeded.
E.g. On page1.asp i set some variabels
On page2.asp i use a (lot of) script depending on these variabels and settings in my Access2000 database to show some data.
When i set page1.asp that page2.asp has 'little' work page2.asp is showed after a few seconds.
When i set page1.asp that gives page2.asp more work (eg 100% more) page2.asp gives the message that the time in var 'Server.ScriptTimeOut' has been reached. The message comes after 90 seconds (default serversetting), but when i look at my cpu-usage it seems to be working for only 10 secs (for 100%). After the 10 secs the cpu goes back to idle at 1-3%.
I hope i'm making some sense here...
So; Why is my servers cpu so lazy...
