which to use on server to output html - xsl or msxml + VBscr


New Member
HII am about to start work on a project that is currently using xsl on theserver end to turn XML into html that is output to netscape or ie browsers.I have been using asp to load XML into the msxml dom object and then usinggood old VB script to manipulate the dom object and build HTML - this wayI have the full flexibility of the vb code, not to mention to debugging lineby line options by first running the code in the VB6 environment.Am i missing something, or am i doing it the best way ???!!!!- to me, using xsl to turn xml into html is much more difficult than usingVB - conditions (ifs etc) seem a nightmare.Is my new client unaware that he can use VB (and does not need to re-inventthe wheel and learn this new XSL language) or am i missing some major advantagethat XSL has?thanks,AH